Interview Preparation Package
This is for you if you're job hunting and looking for some support to:
💫 prepare for a job interview and put your best self forward
💫 practise actually doing it, not once but twice!
💫 get honest feedback, not only on how your answers match the criteria but also on how you come across
💫 show up in a way that leaves the panel with an authentic impression of who you are as a professional and as a person
If you're interested, let's have a chat!
The package includes
2 mock interviews
Summary note
Tailored questions based on position and industry research
Available on WhatsApp for your questions between sessions
Follow-up call after your interview
Doing the mock interviews (online), focusing on the questions you want to practice
Feedback and discussion
Agreement of focus for session 2 ​
Written comments on mock interviews, matched with position description and competencies
NZD 595
Client story
One of my clients was applying for several international roles in her area.
She reached out to me because she was looking for support to put her best self forward in the interviews and assessment centres.
She left me a voice note a couple of weeks later, and kindly agreed for me to share this with you (given our work together is confidential, I do it anonymously):
I have some very good news: I finished a bunch of interviews recently and I’ve got two job offers now. I am very excited!
You’ve been such a fundamental piece in the whole process. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so glad I’m here.
When I look back, when we started working together full steam a couple of months ago now, I was applying for roles in two different organisations.
One never called back. The other said no.
Both of those experiences were key for me to reach out and work with you.
I went into the interviews much calmer and centred in myself and what I have to offer.
Because I had clarified internally for myself what my selling points are as a professional. And I had reconnected with my inner strengths and values. And all of this boosted my self-confidence.
If you had asked me 3 or 4 months ago that I was going to have to decide between two wonderful, amazing opportunities, there was no way I would have believed you!
Thank you so much!​
Kia ora, hello, Guten Tag!​​
My name is Yvonne Davidis, and I'm a career coach.
My career has taken me on a journey involving foreign affairs, climate change and international development roles. I've led teams, recruitment processes and interview panels.
In my professional life and volunteer roles I have always had a strong emphasis on developing others through training, coaching and mentoring.
​I am originally from Germany, where I met my kiwi partner. Since then, we have lived together in Mexico, Russia and New Zealand.
I'd love to support you to put your best self forward in your next interview/assessment centre. ​​​​


I am a certified coach with the Australian Institute for Executive Coaching Leadership (IECL).
Before getting certified, I completed various in-house leadership, coaching and mentoring trainings with previous employers (UK Foreign Office, Danish Foreign Service).
I've applied these skills in real life situations as hiring manager, team leader and coaching champion. ​